In September 2021, the Department for Education introduced new statutory guidance regarding the teaching of PSHE  in all schools. To see the updated government guidance on PSHE, please click here.

In line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education, we have updated our PSHE (with RSE) Curriculum to reflect the recent changes. This curriculum was most recently reviewed in June 2024. Please read the following Parent/Carer Communication Pack to learn more about how our curriculum has changed: Home Communication Pack 24-25


During the drafting of our new curriculum, we have taken the opportunity to consult with parents and carers from the local community, answering questions and concerns they had regarding these changes. Following these consultation sessions, those involved signed off on the new curriculum to indicate that they were happy with our new PSHE (with RSE) curriculum and how it would be delivered.

If you have any questions regarding the PSHE (with RSE) curriculum, or would like more information, please contact our school PSHE (with RSE) lead:

Mr. Greenhow:

Click here to find out what children learn each term.


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