We are so grateful for parents sharing their positive experiences of E-ACT Blackley Academy, so as a ‘thank you’ you could receive a £10 gift voucher.


We are currently accepting applications for funded places in our Pre-School Nursery for September!

If you have a friend or family member who may be looking for a Pre-School Nursery place for their 3 year old, please ask them to get in touch! If they register their child for a place, naming you on their application form*, both you and your friend will receive a £10 gift voucher!** (pictured below)

*You must be a current parent/carer of a child at Blackley (any year).
**Both parties will receive their voucher when the child starts Nursery in September – just in time for Christmas shopping!





You can find more information about our Nursery here: https://blackleyacademy.e-act.org.uk/learning-with-us/our-nursery/ 

How to apply for a place

Learn More
We recommend
You could receive a £10 gift voucher
Term Dates
Parent Pay