Meet our Pastoral Team

Mr Tunde King 

Mr Chris Jepson-Brown 

Miss Susan Sheffield 

Mrs Angela Poole 

Miss Emily Smith 

At E-ACT Blackley Academy we believe that good pastoral support focuses on nurturing the individual needs of each child. We aim to build trusting and empathic relationships with all our pupils and their families. E-ACT Blackley Academy understands the importance of enabling the voice of the child to be heard to promote safeguarding and well-being.

We are very fortunate to have Mr King at Blackley. His role is to work closely with families to build good communication between home and school. He will then work with the team who play a prominent part in supporting and developing a culture of positive behaviour.

Together the team works with students so they can lead fulfilling and balanced lives at school and beyond. All our staff model to students how to look after themselves and others, encouraging them to seek help or support and advice when they need it. Pastoral care underpins personal development and we know that with pastoral care, students feel they belong and their self-esteem is able to flourish because they feel valued and cared for.

Supporting the pastoral needs of pupils may involve working with external agencies. In these situations we ensure that a confidential, professional, non-judgemental and sensitive service is provided.

Supportive curriculum

The supportive curriculum is a bespoke package of support delivered to children in the Academy. The aim is to develop children’s social and emotional wellbeing by them accessing the following interventions.

Daily Support – The Pastoral Team are available throughout the day to support children who have concerns or worries. During playtime and lunchtime children can spend time with them as part of a package of support or just to drop in for a chat.
1:1 Coaching and Mentoring – Weekly sessions to support young people to recognise their strengths and how to achieve goals for the future.
Group Coaching and Mentoring – Weekly sessions to support young people to recognise their strengths and how to achieve goals for the future.
Nurture – Weekly sessions to support young people to get involved with nurture. Children enjoy helping Mr Brown work on planting and looking after the school chickens.
My Inner Chimp– Weekly sessions to support young people to recognise their strengths and how to achieve goals for the future.
Bereavement Support – Weekly sessions to support young people to deal with loss.
Zones of Regulation – Weekly sessions to support young people to recognise their emotions and to develop strategies on how to support themselves.
Trauma Informed Approach – We have a trauma informed approach to support pupils in school.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

E-ACT is committed to ensuring that all students with medical conditions can access and enjoy the same opportunities as any other student and that they are able to play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

E-ACT will ensure that its academies implement and maintain an effective management system for the administration of medicines to all students in our care in order to ensure that appropriate support is provided to individual students with medical needs.

Please contact our SENCO, Miss Gemma Spence on 0161 740 2185 , if you have any questions regarding your child’s medical needs.

Click here to view our Medical Needs Page

Family Support
Rhonda Alleyne and Gemma Spence are very experienced in supporting families who have issues at home. They can offer a broad range of advice and are available at anytime.

Individual Children’s Medical Needs
Our Individual Health Care Plan lead, Miss Gemma Spence, can be contacted if you need to discuss any specific health care needs.

Qualified First Aiders 

Pastoral Mentors 

  1. Bernie Mather
  2. Matthew Nuttall
  3. Rhonda Alleyne
  4. Marie Dunbavin

Our School Nursing Team


The mission of school nurses is multi-faceted and includes:

  • Providing preventive services
  • Identifying problems in the earliest stages
  • Overseeing interventions and referrals as a way to foster health and ensure educational success

They will strive to deliver a variety of training sessions for parents, staff and pupils, which include:

  • Parent information sessions e.g. headlice, healthy lunches, sun protection, asthma and many more.
  • Staff training in relation to asthma and epi pens.
  • Educate children on looking after their teeth.
  • Educate children on how their bodies will change as they grow older.
  • Dietary advice for children based around deepening their understanding of looking after their teeth.
  • Health assessments
  • Child medical plan meetings 

Please keep an eye out in school, on the website and on our twitter account for information on planned sessions with the school nurse. If you wish to speak to our school nurse, please inform Miss Spence or Rhonda who can arrange this for you.


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