To contribute towards our Charities, we wanted to do one last thing before shutting it down completely, and to help try beat our target!

We have decided to put on a raffle for our pupils, who could win some amazing prizes….see below

  • Prizes include:
  • A Manchester United football shirt
  • A signed football
  • A signed City football frame
  • Multiple store gift cards
  • £25 and £50 Amazon vouchers

Money towards these donations will go towards the whole school and will be split between each Charity.

If you wish to participate, it costs £1 per strip. Send your money in an envelope with your child’s name on and how much you wish to donate.


The raffle will take place on Wednesday 21st at 1pm

We thank you for all your continued support



Good Luck!

How to apply for a place

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We recommend
End of Term Summer Raffle
Term Dates
Parent Pay