Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our school milk scheme


Our school provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils and we would like to invite you to register your child.  School milk is free for under-5s, and for over-5s if eligible for free school meals.

However should entitlement to free school meals not be met, milk can still be requested direct with our supplier. Payment and enrolment into the scheme should be made directly with Coolmilk, details below:

Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day, delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom.  Their school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help children stay focused. For more information on how milk can benefit children visit


How to register

Please contact school via email ( if your child isn’t already signed up to the milk scheme but they wish to be enrolled, there is no charge if they are under 5 or they are over 5 and entitled for free school meals.

The Academy will then liaise with the suppliers and register the child on your behalf. If your child is signed up to this scheme as they are under 5, we can confirm that this will end a week before their fifth birthday unless they are entitled to free school meals then this will continue to roll.

If you haven’t already applied for your child’s free school meals please proceed to If you are unsure if you meet the entitlement then please proceed to make an application and you will be informed of eligibility.

If entitlement isn’t met but you wish to order milk to school for your child then please visit Here you will be able to register and pay directly for your child’s milk.

 If you have any questions regarding school milk please visit  or contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248. More information on milk is also available from the school.

Kind regards,
Head Teacher
James Hughes


Click on Poster to register online

Click here for Information Leaflet 



* The UK government continues to support school milk.  Milk for under-5s is fully funded by DHSC via the Nursery Milk Scheme.  Milk for over-5s is subsidised by Defra via the School Milk Scheme.


How to apply for a place

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We recommend
Our Cool Milk Scheme
Term Dates
Parent Pay