
Come and give your parenting skills a ‘workout’…

Parent Gym is coming to E-ACT Blackley Academy 

We know from talking with parents that many of you wonder what you can do to give your children the best start in life (and make your life as a parent a bit easier too).

This is why we’re delighted to offer Parent Gym, a well-established, six-week programme that shares and explores practical tips and strategies to make family life easier and help your children thrive.

What is Parent Gym?

What makes Parent Gym special?

We will be hosting a taster day on Thursday 5th December 2:15-3:00pm.

The programme will begin on Thursday 23rd January 2020 1:00-3:00pm at E-ACT and will continue for 6 weeks.

If you are interested please ask for Susan Sheffield or Rhonda Alleyne

Click Here For More Information

How to apply for a place

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We recommend
Parent Gym 2019
Term Dates
Parent Pay