Hello and welcome to Hazel hub!


‘The alternative provision that we have set up at E-ACT Blackley Academy is aimed at meeting the complex learning needs of up to 15 children who are working below key stage expectations; therefore, the children work towards being key stage ready. Within the Hub the children are taught Maths, English, phonics and Spelling, at a level appropriate to their needs. As an inclusive school the children in Hazel Hub access the alternative provision every morning and then access their mainstream class every afternoon. The children within the Hub are supported by Mrs Meadows,  Miss Sheffield and Mrs Kilroy.’

Click here to view Hazel Hub Rationale 

Click here to view Hazel Hubs English Long Term Plan




Class Staff

Gemma Spence Gemma Spence SENDCO
Gemma Spence Gemma Spence SENDCO
Mrs Meadows Teacher
Mrs Meadows Teacher
Stacey Cole Stacey Cole Teaching Assistant
Stacey Cole Stacey Cole Teaching Assistant
Mrs Kilroy Mrs Kilroy Teaching Assistant
Mrs Kilroy Mrs Kilroy Teaching Assistant

How to apply for a place

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Hazel Hub
Term Dates
Parent Pay