Here at Blackley we have introduced our new school Eco-Warriors who have been asked to sit on an active panel of students. Our Eco-Warriors are committed to making positive environmental changes around our school, and we are aiming initially to meet termly or more frequent to discuss projects and measure our progress in and around school.

Our overall goals for this group is to implement the warriors wishes for an Eco-friendlier school. We want to work towards the Green School Award and have regular assemblies throughout the school term to raise awareness of conservation matters and news.

Our Action Plan

The Warriors have 3 key goals which they would like to achieve by the end of school before the summer holidays.

1) To reduce the amount of litter around our school.

ACTION A: Having a litter picking rota between the team.

ACTION B: Campaigning to reduce litter in the areas around our school.


2) To increase the amount of time spent tending the allotments.

ACTION: With the help of Mr Brown start a gardening club to utilise our current allotment space and potting shed. Have a Year group rota for using the allotment areas to grow seasonal vegetables or plants.


3) To encourage everyone to reduce, reuse and recycle.

ACTION A: Organise a poster competition to inform everyone about what they can recycle in school and encourage them to do so.

ACTION B: Setting up bins in each classroom to collect rubbish possibly to be sent to Nursery, Reception and Year One for junk modelling.

ACTION C: To fund raise or appeal for seeds and other necessities for the allotment areas.

Our Eco-Warriors are currently learning about the Gauntlet Conservation Trust and how vultures are an essential part of the ecosystem. They are also learning about how poisoning is the biggest threat to vulture populations.  Read more about this project below:

Gauntlet Conservation Trust 



How to apply for a place

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Blackley Eco-Warriors
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