Our events lead has introduced a charity project into the Academy for the academic year, to enable our children to work together to raise money for causes close to our hearts. We feel it will be a great project and team building activity for the children, as well as allowing us as an Academy to show how much we care about others and our community.

Each year group has been assigned to a particular charity that they are to raise money for throughout the school year. This will include different fund raising activities and we have encouraged the children to use their imagination on thinking of ways to make money!

We have arranged for a display board to be put up in school showing how much each class have raised, which will motivate them to compete and do more.

At the end of the year, the chosen charities will be invited in to school to be presented with a cheque from the children.

Good Luck to our children and staff at E-ACT, we look forward to starting this activity together as a team.

Parents/Carers to find out more select ‘Useful Information’ and click on the chosen charities for each year group underneath.

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