This week at school we are learning all about our mental health, focusing on anxiety and how this can affect us.

Top tips for looking after your wellbeing
Looking after your wellbeing will help you to build your resilience and take on
life’s challenges. The five ways to wellbeing can help you do this.
Connect – This can be with friends or family members.
You can try:
• making time for your friends or family members
to build your relationships;
• asking someone how they are and making sure
you listen to them.
Be active – This can be gentle exercise. You can try:
• going for a walk with family;
• doing a yoga or workout session online.
Take notice – Be more aware of your surroundings.
You can try:
• looking at the sights while you go for a walk;
• noticing the changing seasons.
Keep learning – This doesn’t have to be in school or lessons.
You can try:
• a new hobby, such as cooking;
• reading about something that interests you.
Give – This doesn’t have to be money.
You can try:
• cleaning, tidying, helping siblings or cooking.

The children will be working with a book called Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs and learning the tapping technique!

Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

How to apply for a place

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Mental Health Awareness Week
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