Children from E-ACT Blackley Academy first visited Oakbank Care Home, Haruprhey at Christmas, singing carols and taking part in Christmas activities with the residents. It was during this visit that some of the children noticed the Care Home’s outdoor space was looking a little sad and decided they wanted to brighten it up for the residents.

With the help of Learning Mentor Mr. Brown, the children starting making a plan which included planting a variety of flowers, trees and herbs and some comfortable seating for the residents to sit out with their friends and families. Meanwhile, Operations Lead Mrs Mather started figuring out how we would fund the project!

Before pictures














Mrs Mather successfully obtained funding and donations from some local businesses, school suppliers and a substantial community grant from ASDA, meaning the project could go ahead!










The Work!

Volunteers from The Oldham Academy North started work by jet washing the patio area while Mr Brown and some green fingered Blackley children selected their plants and pots and made a start!




Each week, a set of children would visit Oakbank and plant up their pots and herb gardens and were even joined by some residents who wanted to help. They managed to keep their work hidden, ready for the big reveal!


















The big reveal!

On the last week of term, children and staff worked hard to ensure everything was ready to put together right at the last minute, ready for the big reveal. Children, parents, staff as well as Oakbank residents and their families were invited to see the garden complete for the first time.

The garden was officially opened by one of our children and 2 Oakbank residents. When the doors were opened, the new sensory garden was revealed to all which included a range of colourful plants, fruit trees, herbs, solar lights, garden ornaments, bird feeders and a range of new furniture.








The children were thanked by the owners of Unity Homes and were presented with gift bags and certificates for the the time and effort they spent creating the garden for Oakbank residents.

Friends and family of Blackley Academy and Oakbank Care Home spent a lovely afternoon exploring the new garden together. The children were so pleased to be able to see the impact their work had on Oakbank residents, enabling them to enjoy time outside with their family and friends in a lovely environment.

“It was so lovely to see the residents’ faces sat in the garden, they couldn’t believe what you had done for them. We can’t praise the academy and the children enough for what they have done” Rebecca, Oakbank Care Home.

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Green fingered students create sensory garden for local care home
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